Project S20 – Synthetic speech detection

Deepfake audio detection

Introducing Project S20 – Synthetic speech detection

Veritas is a deepfake audio detector that allows customization and retraining of state-of-art detection models. It enables AI researchers to rapidly adapt to evolving audio deepfake technology, combating digital misinformation and cybercrime.

Team members

Acqquilaa Bathumalai (CSD), Lee Cheng Xin (CSD), Lee Chang Zheng (CSD), Umang Sanjeev Gupta (CSD), Ma Yucong (DAI), Jyotit Kaushal (CSD), Kong Dean, Noah (DAI)


  • Cyrille Pierre Joseph Jegourel

Writing Instructors:

  • Susan Wong

User Analysis

Analysis of our primary users: AI researchers and journalists. 

Main features chosen after user analysis: Retrainability, Ease of use, Explainability and Relevance


Verify the authenticity of audio files by uploading it and running an inference process.

Select models based on detailed information provided on Veritas.


Retraining models for new deepfake audio types is now simpler. Upload a zip file with the dataset, adjust parameters, and start training 

VeritasAlpha achieves state-of-the-art performance, merging strengths of different models, enhancing EER by 30%.


VeritasSG is trained for the Singaporean accent using our retraining feature. It detects Singaporean accent deepfakes better than current market models.

VeritasAlpha achieved state-of-the-art performance with the lowest Equal Error Rate (EER) seen. VeritasSG achieves an EER of 0 with the Singaporean Accent audio file.

Software Architecture

User Feedback

We collected responses from approximately 100 users, comprising 50% AI researchers, 40% general public, and 10% journalists using Maze

Found it easy to authenticate audio file

Found highlighting potential deepfaked portions useful

Navigated through the software to retrain models easily

Find poster here


We extend our sincere gratitude to our mentors who guided and supported us throughout our journey: Dr. Cyrille Jegourel from ISTD and Dr. Susan Wong from CWR. Your valuable mentorship has been instrumental to the success of this project. Thank you for your contributions and guidance.



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