Proj S49 – Duke-NUS Simulation for minimally invasive lymph node dissection surgery training in locally advanced rectal cancer

Introducing Proj S49 – Duke-NUS Simulation for minimally invasive lymph node dissection surgery training in locally advanced rectal cancer

LaparoLymph is a laparoscopic simulation system that supports the education and training of Laparoscopic Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection (LPLND) to treat locally advanced rectal cancer. By combining virtual reality visualisation and simulation with a physical box trainer, LaparoLymph aims to enhance the confidence and competence of surgeons, regardless of their experience level, in performing the complex LPLND procedure. 

Team members

Chua Po Siang Bridget (DAI), Darren Teng Ren Kiat (EPD), Claire Oudea Gan Li (DAI), Chua Zhuo Xuan (EPD), Jodi Wu Wenjiang (ISTD), Wang Zhao (ISTD), Stacy Lie Wei-Li (EPD)


  • Edwin Koh

Writing Instructors:

  • Delfinn Tan Sweimay

What is Laparoscopic Lateral Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection (LPLND)?

Laparoscopic Lateral Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection (LPLND) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure primarily utilised in the treatment of cancers affecting organs near the pelvic region. This technique involves using small abdominal incisions to insert specialised instruments and a scope camera to  visualise and manipulate pelvic structures to achieve precise lymph node removal for cancer treatment.

During an LPLND surgery, lymph nodes and the adherent fat tissue in the pelvic region are carefully removed. These lymph nodes play a crucial role in filtering lymphatic fluid and are often a site where cancer cells may spread, necessitating their removal for therapeutic purposes. By dissecting and excising these lymph nodes, surgeons aim to prevent the further spread of cancer and improve patient outcomes. 

MRI of a patient with clinically positive locally advanced rectal cancer

Challenges Faced in LPLND Surgeries

Our industry mentors, Professor Fernando Bello from Duke-NUS Medical School and Dr Khor Shao Nan from the Department of Colorectal Surgery at Singapore General Hospital, have shared a few areas that underscore the challenges in LPLND. These key issues include:

Complexity of Pelvic Anatomy

The intricate nature of pelvic anatomy complicates surgical procedures, requiring surgeons to navigate through densely packed structures with precision and accuracy.

Inability to Visualise Spatial Relationships

Surgeons encounter difficulties in visualising spatial relationships within the pelvic region, hindering their ability to perform precise surgical manoeuvres effectively.

Rarity of LPLND Cases

The scarcity of LPLND cases, approximately 10-15 annually in Singapore, limits opportunities for surgeons to gain practical experience and proficiency in the procedure.

Understanding the Needs of Surgeons

Our primary target audience comprises surgeons preparing for the LPLND procedure and each user group faces distinct challenges:

General Surgery Resident (GSR)

Difficulty in orienting to laparoscopic view

Colorectal Surgery Fellow (CSF)

Limited resources to prepare for LPLND cases due to rarity of procedure

Senior Consultant (SC)

Lack of avenue to assess proficiency in LPLND

How might we develop an immersive simulation device for surgeons to support the learning and practice of LPLND and increase their confidence levels in performing the surgery?

Introducing LaparoLymph

A combination of VR simulation and a physical training box to provide a comprehensive learning experience on LPLND surgery.

LaparoLymph provides 4 main features, each designed to fulfil the following 3 objectives, each tailored to address the unique needs of our users

General Surgery Residents (GSR)​

Provides GSRs a review of pelvic anatomy and its visualisation through laparoscope

General Surgery Residents (GSR)​
Senior Consultants (SC)

Anatomy Revision

Provides surgeons with a comprehensive understanding of pelvic anatomy through 3D spatial exploration, allowing them to toggle between different organ systems and manipulate views to enhance learning and familiarity with anatomical structures in the pelvic region.

General Surgery Residents (GSR)​

Provides step-by-step guidance for GSRs with learning LPLND.

General Surgery Residents (GSR)​

Provides reinforced practical training for CSFs with limited exposure to LPLND cases

Senior Consultants (SC)

Surgical Training

Provides theoretical education on the steps involved in LPLND surgery through a guided surgical training with detailed instructions of each step.

7 Sections, 3 Step Types

The entire LPLND surgery is broken down into 7 key sections, each containing multiple steps. Surgeons can repeatedly practice the steps, enhancing their skill acquisition and retention.

Among the 7 sections, surgeons are tasked to complete 3 types of steps:

  1. Identification of crucial landmarks
  2. Dissection of tissues/lymph node bundles
  3. Extraction of dissected lymph node bundles

Realistic Operating Theatre

Patient positioned at Lloyd-Davies position with Trendelenburg tilt

Tissue Tearing
Tissue Dissection
Injuring Major Vessels

Simulation of Physics & Tool Interactions

Injuring Minor Vessels
Blood Pooling
Blood Suction

Immersive Environment

Simulated restriction of laparoscopic tool movement facilitated by:

Physical Box Trainer with Trocars
Controller Adaptors
Rotary Encoders for Tool Rotation

General Surgery Residents (GSR)​
General Surgery Residents (GSR)​
Senior Consultants (SC)

Provide a means for SCs to measure and evaluate their proficiency in LPLND.

Surgical Assessment

In this stage, we implement an assessment function aimed at evaluating surgeons’ proficiency in LPLND,
providing feedback on accuracy, time taken, and successful removal of the lymphatic fat tissues.

Replicates real-life surgical scenarios,
emphasizing the irreversible nature of mistakes

Provides feedback on user performance

General Surgery Residents (GSR)​
General Surgery Residents (GSR)​
Senior Consultants (SC)

Provide a means for SCs to measure and evaluate their proficiency in LPLND.

Surgical Rehearsal

In this stage, users interact with a pelvic phantom, offering a realistic haptic feedback experience. Integrated with the Physical Box Trainer, this stage assesses users’ technical skills using the Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS) and Fat Clearance Assessment, enhancing proficiency through simulated practice and feedback.

Pelvic Phantom

Materials chosen matches the tactility of real anatomical components

Replaceable design allows for customization with appropriate dissections

Segmentation of pelvic anatomy optimises reusability by including only selected components

Single-use packages prioritize areas with higher user interaction, such as lymphatic fat tissue and central vasculature.

Camera and Holder

The electronic components chosen for the surgical camera were carefully selected to meet both spatial and technical specifications.

Combined with custom camera holder for translational and rotational capabilities.

Integration into RaspberryPi GUI provides low-latency, high-quality visual feed similar to actual operations.

Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills (OSATS)

The OSATS metrics are displayed on the RaspberryPi (RPi) touchscreen, providing users with objective feedback on their performance.

Within the OSATS framework, there are two key components can be assessed:

  1. Respect for Tissue
  2. Time and Motion

Fat Clearance Assessment

Employs a CV colour detection model to quantify the degree of fat removal in the pelvic phantom, providing valuable feedback on the user’s performance. 


Capstone Instructor — Dr. Edwin Koh

For guiding, supporting, and mentoring throughout the development of this project

Writing Instructor Dr. Delfinn Tan

For providing valuable insights and assistance in refining the written components of our project.

Industry Partner — Duke NUS

 For providing us with the opportunity to undertake this project and for their continuous support

Industry Mentor — Prof. Fernando Bello

For providing guidance, support, and mentorship throughout the development of this project

Industry Mentor — Dr. Khor Shao Nan

For providing valuable input and feedback as a practising surgeon, enriching our understanding of LPLND.



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