Own Green Agripod

Harnessing Sunlight for Local Food Security

A climate-reactive, modular envelope containing automated, modular hydroponic racks, controlled and monitored by a remote management web application.

Introducing Own Green Agripod

The Singaporean government launched the ambitious “30 by 30” initiative with aims to produce 30% of the nation’s nutritional requirements locally by 2030 to ensure the nation’s food security. However, achieving this goal is challenging due to Singapore’s limited land space, with less than 1% allocated for farming. Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) pods offer an urban farming alternative which optimises land use. Collaborating with WAVE Design Consultants, Own Green Agripod introduces a comprehensive CEA system featuring a climate-reactive and modular envelope with automated hydroponic racks. These racks, controlled via a remote management web app, responds to daylight and prevents overheating. These features make CEA pods suitable for tropical climates while reducing operational costs, hence improving system viability in Singapore.

Team members

Justin Eng Hee Yang (ASD), Jade Megan Chan (EPD), Quek Shao Min Charissa (EPD), Poh Boon Pin (EPD), Christopher Lye Sze Kian (CSD), Peng Jing Ming Jason (CSD), Wee Chun Hui (CSD)


  • Thomas Schroepfer

  • Geraldine Quek Cai Ting

Writing Instructors:

  • Susan Wong

Project Roadmap

Determining User Needs

To understand Singapore’s urban farming landscape, we engaged in interviews and surveys with farmers and vegetable consumers. Integrating these interactions with our research, we pinpointed critical touchpoints and pain points to drive our design process toward user-centric solutions. In this process, we focused on three personas, each highlighting concerns that steered our focus:

  • Farmers: challenges in efficiently monitoring plant growth and scaling up operations
  • Consumers: frustration over the limited variety of locally available crops at affordable prices
  • Manufacturers: significant setup efforts and costs, coupled with high workforce requirements for maintenance.
Defining Objectives

These insights converge around the central issue of financial sustainability, exacerbated by Singapore’s elevated land and labor costs, alongside the expenses associated with urban farming. We identified artificial lighting to be one of the highest contributors, especially in Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) solutions, due to persistent use of artificial light. We aimed to minimize this by turning to natural light as it is consistently available in Singapore and not afforded in seasonal climates, where CEA solutions are developed.


Based on the insights from our research, we aimed to design an easily adoptable CEA pod that has a minimal physical footprint and optimises energy consumption by maximising the use of daylight to reduce the financial burdens of urban farming. We limited our scope to address three critical aspects: limited land spac, high energy consumption, and high barrier to entry.


Proposed Solution

We deconstructed our solution into four main components that integrates expertise from architecture, engineering, and computer science: 

  1. Adaptable pod with light pipes
  2. Modular and stackable hydroponic racks
  3. Autonomous rack movement, guided by a custom algorithm
  4. A remote management web app

Small Footprint, Large Impact

The Agripod is sustainably designed to reduce the energy consumption of the pod. Without intervention, the stacked configuration of the trays in each rack naturally causes the bottom layers of the rack to receive little sunlight, thus requiring artificial light. On the other hand, the intense sun experienced in Singapore causes the top layer to be overexposed to sunlight.

A measure to reduce energy consumption would be the horizontal light pipes in the side walls that bring daylight to the bottom layers. The design of the light pipes has been optimized to be space efficient while providing the maximum amount of sunlight to the lower trays’ plants, which results in an average increase of natural light by 9% compared to a fully transparent pod.

The light pipes also improve energy efficiency by reducing the cooling load of the building by reducing the overall volume of the building that needs to be air-conditioned. The opaque side walls can reduce the amount of solar radiation that enters the pod, resulting in a 1.2°c reduction in average indoor temperature passively.


An Adaptable Pod

The modular design embedded into the rack and pod system allows for implementation across various sites, with a fixed central structure encompassing essential components. The pod’s length can be adjusted to suit specific spatial constraints, enhancing its adaptability. The pod’s layout was also optimized to efficiently utilize space, with racks positioned along the side walls and a central aisle providing bilateral simultaneous access. This arrangement optimizes functionality and accessibility within a limited footprint.

Feature Showcase

There are plenty of considerations in this rack and pod system. The key design features include (but are not limited to) light redirection via light pipes, cooling measures, high rack extension, modularity in electrical connections, and portable and scalable software architecture. Scroll through the gallery to check out the various features!

Rack Assembly and Automation

The hydroponic rack system integrates innovative hardware and software solutions to optimize urban farming. Its extension mechanisms and modular design maximize sunlight exposure while conserving space. The firmware, managed by the ESP32 microcontroller, ensures precise environmental control and communication with the backend server. A climate-reactive algorithm, running on the server, dynamically adjusts rack configurations to maximize light exposure and minimize heat gain. This system revolutionizes urban farming by offering efficient, responsive, and sustainable cultivation management.

Rack Overview
Physical Connections
Tray Automation

The automated hydroponic rack system revolutionizes crop cultivation by maximizing exposure to natural sunlight. Each layer extends smoothly outward, expanding surface area while ensuring user safety. Different modes of operation, controllable via the webapp, provides the user with fine-grained system control. Data storage and tracking enables the user to monitor crops over a period of time, providing useful analytics data for long-term optimization.

Extension Mechanism: Each layer extends up to 65% of the tray length.

Electrical Infrastructure: Electrical box is the central hub for sensors and essential components, with status lights and an emergency switch.

Microcontroller: ESP32 supported by a custom PCB design enables wireless communication and remote monitoring.

Light and temperature sensors: Strategically placed to monitor crop conditions across the whole length of the tray.

Our urban farming shelves boast a stackable layer design maximizing vertical space utilization for a variety of crops on separate shelves. As such, interfacing between each identical tray layer must be done in a modular way such that any tray can be stacked above or below another tray, which allows for simpler maintenance with lower downtime and flexibility in configurations.

Modular Tray Design: Versatile stacking for up to five units vertically, optimizing vertical space utilization.

Effortless Electronic Integration: Electronics box with a modular plug-and-play connector, simplifying the connection process for electronic components and enhancing system versatility.

Modular Sensor Mounting: Enabling customizable and expandable configurations for precise environmental monitoring

Customizable Tray and Rack Naming: Firmware takes custom parameters on setup; manufacturers can ship the same unit with the same firmware, users can set system up according to their requirements.

The software solution consists of three core components: a user-facing frontend website, firmware for electronic component interfacing, and an algorithm managing rack movements, each undergoing iterative development and rigorous testing for functionality, scalability, and usability. A self-developed multi-objective algorithm was used for automated control, where several types of sensor data from each rack are collected and analyzed to produce the ideal rack configuration.

User-Facing Website: Provides an intuitive interface for system monitoring and control.

Firmware for Electronic Component Interfacing: Facilitates seamless integration with sensors and actuators for precise environmental control.

Algorithm for Rack Movements: Optimizes rack configurations for maximum efficiency and crop growth.


Automation and Rack Control

A responsive web app was developed to ensure user intervention is possible throughout automated processes. To switch between the different modes seamlessly, wireless communications were set up between the web server and the firmware on the trays. The microservices software architecture, along with a publisher/subscriber communication model, enables scalability and the potential for cloud deployment.

In partnership with :


The team would first like to sincerely thank our industry mentor, Mr Amit Mody, Founder and Director, WAVE Design Consultants, for his continued guidance and support throughout this project. We are grateful for the opportunity to have worked on such an impactful project with a knowledgable mentor who showed us the way.

Next, we would like to thank our capstone faculty mentors, Dr. Thomas Schröpfer and Dr. Geraldine Quek, Architecture and Sustainable Design (ASD), Singapore University of Technology and Design. Thanks for navigating the seas with us and constantly being responsive. We would also like to express our gratitude to Dr. Susan Wong, Center of Writing Resources, Singapore University of Technology and Design. Thank you for keeping our standards high and giving us helpful tips to get through our deliverables. Special thanks to Dr Zheng Kai, Prof. Jiang Wenchao and Dr. Teo Tee Hui for sparing some of your precious time to give us your valued opinion as well.

Capstone is a village effort among the students. As such, we would like to thank the following contributors from our cohort who have made their mark on our project in one way or another. Thanks to Lee Iy Meng,  Joshua Nick Tan, Yap Boon Pin, Seow Sin Kiat, Teo Wei Qing, Naurana Badalge Axel, Teo You Xiang, Lim Pin, Qawiyyul, and SUTD Bands for being awesome.



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