Dock Schedule Optimisation

A web application to produce an optimal docking schedule

Introducing Dock Schedule Optimisation

This project optimises dock scheduling using simulation techniques to boost revenue and efficiency for the shipyard. The system takes in data from job requests and applies parameters and constraints to produce an optimised schedule displayed on a visualiser. Users can generate multiple scenarios, make comparisons, and seamlessly integrate the preferred schedule back into the source system. This advancement streamlines the planning process for the shipyard planners by optimising their decision-making process and allows the shipyard to improve their operational efficiency.

Team members

Muhammad Zulfiqar Bin Bakar (ESD), M S Subesh Kumar (CSD), Lim Azib Bin Adam (ESD), Cheong Cher Lynn (CSD), Ong Kai Xin Chloe (ESD), Lee Eharn Natthan (CSD)


  • Ying Xu

  • Lynette Cheah

Writing Instructors:

  • Tay Zi Dong Patrick

Project Background

Planners in a shipyard manually schedule incoming vessels for docking maintenance through the following process:

Current workflow of checking and scheduling dock schedules is inefficient and potentially results in loss of jobs with higher revenue and dock utilisation.

How might we design an automated job scheduler that produces an optimal docking schedule to improve the shipyard’s revenue and dock utilisation?

Key Features


The web application for your scheduling needs

Convenient View of Jobs
Snapshot of all jobs in calendar and list view.
Optimise Docking Schedule
Generate an optimal docking schedule based on chosen parameters.
Compare and Upload Schedules
Compare statistics of each schedule and upload the best performing one.
Simulate Future Shipyards
Create new shipyards and test performance of schedules.

Convenient View of Jobs

Calendar view shows colour coded jobs and job details


Choose between a list or calendar view

Colour Coded

Differentiate job statuses


Hover over a job for more information

Optimise Docking Schedule

Key features of Optimiser Input page
Personalise each iteration with its own name and description
Filter jobs by shipyard and opportunity stage
Allocate priority levels or fix certain jobs to a particular dock
Choose model and model parameters for it to run on

Run Model

Optimised schedule with iteration statistics!

Compare and Upload Schedules

Evaluate best performing iteration and upload it to Salesforce


View key statistics of each iteration after running model


Compare different schedule statistics and evaluate their performance


Choose the best performing schedule and upload to Salesforce automatically

Simulate Future Shipyards


Make changes or add new docks to the current shipyard


Create an entirely new shipyard with your desired dock configurations


Produce an optimal docking schedule with your new shipyard

Optimisation Model

System Architecture

Web Server

  • Contains Optimisation Mathematics Model
  • Encryption
  • Handle APIs



  • Single source of truth for all data
  • Stores historical and updated details of all jobs


Web Application

  • User can generate optimised schedule
  • User can view past iterations of optimised schedules



Stores snapshots of generated schedule iterations

Key Benefits

Run Time

Produces an optimal schedule in less than 5 minutes


18% improvement in overall revenue


5.4% improvement in overall dock utilisation


The students have done an impressive job. The program has achieved the objectives of providing good references to the Business Unit to achieve the dock optimisation.
Shot of man reading paperwork while standing on a large commercial dock
Head of Business Planning
Good proof of concept demonstrating how dock scheduling optimisation can streamline manual processes and position the business with agility for better operational efficiency.
Shipyard Planner
A useful tool that is easy to use and provides quick suggestions on the best possible schedule. Integration with CRM to retrieve and update data is also helpful.
Shipyard Scheduler


We would like to express our appreciation to our industry mentors for their constant support and feedback throughout the length of this project. Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to collaborate together in this project and allowing us to work hand in hand to develop an application that would benefit the shipyard.

Last, but not least, we would like to express our greatest gratitude to our academic mentors, Professor Lynnette Cheah and Professor Ying Xu, and Centre for Writing and Rhetoric (CWR) mentor, Patrick Tay, from Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) for being with us every step of the way. Our efforts for this project would only have been possible with their mentorship.



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