Capstone S18 – Wearable Alarm Device

Gebirah: ResQ – Wearable Alarm Device

Our aim is to develop an affordable, easy-to-use personal alarm device that blends smoothly into daily routines, swiftly linking users with nearby emergency responders, overcoming existing barriers of accessibility and convenience.

Introducing Capstone S18 – Wearable Alarm Device

This affordable and portable Personal Alarm Device for the elderly in Singapore ensures distress signal transmissions are automatically sent via a mobile app. Overcoming current inefficiencies, this user-friendly device empowers the elderly to swiftly seek help during emergencies, connecting them with nearby individuals and emergency contacts. Prioritising accessibility and reliability, the design addresses challenges such as medical emergencies and accidents, ensuring the safety and well-being of seniors in diverse situations.

Team members

Chen Shuying (EPD), Chong Pok Shun (CSD), Seow Sin Kiat (EPD), Wang Yanbao (CSD), Erick Chandra (CSD), Lai Weng Wai Timothy (EPD), Lin Yutian (CSD)


  • Lyle Fearnley

Writing Instructors:

  • Tay Zi Dong Patrick

Project Roadmap

To understand the market, we conducted two surveys that focus on the:

  • Challenges of seniors and their caregivers during emergencies
  • Understanding of potential responders’ stand in helping seniors in distress.

01: Seniors and Caregivers

Our survey with 16 seniors and 7 caregivers highlighted their concerns during emergencies:

02: Responders

In this survey, we sought to understand the motivations of potential responders for using a mobile app to assist seniors in distress and 32 responses were collected:

Market Research

Market Gap

Our project aims to bridge these gaps by:

Target Group

With Singapore’s elderly population expected to reach 900,000 by 2030, enhancing their safety becomes increasingly vital. Our solution prioritises SENIORS because they often face unforeseen accidents and are an integral part of Singaporean society.

Problem Statement

How might we design a device that empowers elderly individuals in Singapore to swiftly request assistance from nearby individuals and emergency contacts via a mobile application during emergency situations?

Hardware Device:

Our design prioritises compactness and multi-functionality, incorporating a microcontroller for Bluetooth connectivity for alerts and location tracking.

Additionally, user experience is key in our device’s design. We explore ring, wristband and pendant types, aiming for a compact yet aesthetically pleasing design.

Software Application:

Our mobile application complements the functionality of our personal alarm device, offering:

Personal Profile Setup
Pairing with your device, adding your medical information and registering your emergency contacts.
Live Emergency Tracking
Viewing the latest emergency situations, receiving updates on the status from the ground, and tracking real-time locations.
In-App Communication
Facilitating direct communication between helpers and the emergency contacts.
First draft of our application UI.

Project Details - Hardware Device

Product Overview

Our hardware is designed with a user-friendly triggering system, including

  • 01: A press-in button for manual activation.
  • 02: A pull-out trigger for manual activation.
  • 03: An internal buzzer to audibly alert the immediate surroundings. 
  • 04: Two main LED lights to indicate the activation of the device.
  • 05: An IMU sensor for fall detection.
  • 06: A reset button.
  • 07: A side LED indicating the charging progress.
  • 08: A USB-C charging port.


Compact and Portable Design

At just 92mm long, 45.6mm wide, 19mm thick, and weighing 47g, this device is the epitome of portability.

Dual-Option Manual Activation

The device offers dual alert options: pull the microswitch to notify app users and family, or press the button to alert family only. Upon activation, LED 1 blinks for the primary and LED 2 for the secondary trigger, providing clear visual feedback with green lights.

Versatile Wearability

Whether you prefer it as a pendant, attach to your keychain, tuck safely in your pocket, or hang it freely, our device adapts to your lifestyle.

Buzzer for Immediate Attention

Whether it's through manual triggers or fall detection, the buzzer emits a 2kHz continuous beep tone - loud enough at 95dB to draw attention up to 100 meters away in quiet environments and 5 meters in noisy ones.

Fast, Safe, and Rechargeable Power

With a rechargeable 3.7V LiPo battery, our device boasts a swift 3-hour full charge via USB-C. It also features built-in protection against overcharging and undercharging, ensuring safety and efficiency.

Fall-Detection Automatic Activation

Our device features an IMU sensor and an inbuilt machine learning model for precise fall detection. Upon detecting a fall, it automatically triggers an alert to the mobile app, swiftly requesting assistance.

Project Details - Software Application

Application Overview

Our app is designed to work seamlessly with our wearable alarm device, enhancing personal safety by linking users with nearby individuals and emergency contacts. From easy device pairing to live messaging in critical moments, our app ensures that users have the tools they need to stay safe and informed.


Basic Setup & Configurations

Completing this setup ensures that upon alert activation, the emergency signals are broadcast immediately, and that responders are informed of location details and equipped with the essential medical supplies to render swift and informed assistance.

Live Map with Google Maps API

Our application's live map, powered by Google Maps API, displays active emergencies in real-time. This feature provides GPS tracking capabilities, offering users a comprehensive view of emergency locations and nearby resources.

Push Notification Alerts

Leveraging geolocation and push notification services, our app instantly notifies all emergency contacts and nearby users within a 1 kilometer radius.

Witness how emergency notifications leap into action the moment an alarm is triggered
Live Emergency Tracking

The application continuously updates users on the emergency status, including responder arrivals and situation resolutions. It ensures that all concerned parties are informed of the latest developments and can track the progress in real-time.

In-App Live Messaging

The feature facilitates direct communication between responders and the emergency contacts of the senior in need, allowing for the exchange of on-the-ground information and details necessary for coordinating assistance.

Software-Enabled Trigger Options

Seniors can initiate an emergency alert via both the physical device and a virtual button in the app, ensuring convenience and accessibility in urgent situations - even for users without a physical device.

False Alarm Handling

Our app features a confirmation system for emergency alerts, retracting notifications upon user confirmation of accidental activation. This reduces false alerts, while ensuring responders promptly address genuine emergencies.

In partnership with :

Supported by :


We would like to thank our mentors for their unwavering support throughout our project: 

  • Capstone Mentor: Assoc Prof. Lyle Fearnley
  • Centre for Writing and Rhetoric (CWR) Instructor: Patrick Tay Zi Dong
  • Industry Mentor from Gebirah: Mr. Tony Tan


Members of Capstone S18 Wearable Alarm Device Team



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