Schenker Support – Devising Operations Chatbot

Empowering Efficiency, One Chat at a Time

Schenker Support is a tailored GenAI operations chatbot designed to seamlessly assist internal customer service officers with swift and accurate responses customised to company-specific inquiries. It enhances operational efficiency and productivity through its integrated chatbot, calendar, and maintenance system.

Introducing Schenker Support – Devising Operations Chatbot

From interviews with the internal officers, the information workflow throughout their work processes is complex, involving different parties and systems. A significant portion of tasks they perform are manual and monotonous, resulting in inefficiency and low productivity. Regarding all these issues, how might we design a solution that assists internal officers in optimising their information workflow to reduce their waiting time and increase their productivity?

Team members

Suthar Prachi Jayesh (CSD), Jonah Yeo Zheng (CSD), Devanshi Joshi (CSD), Suzette Leo Mei Yen (CSD), Tan Kang Min (DAI), Aditi Kumaresan (CSD), Aishwarya D/O RM Palaniappan (CSD)


  • Ying Xu

  • Lynette Cheah

Writing Instructors:

  • Tay Zi Dong Patrick

Project Roadmap

Information Gathering

To begin our journey, we explored the information workflows of internal customer service officers at DB Schenker. By visiting the DB Schenker Tuas Warehouse and Red Lion, as well as engaging in insightful interviews with both officers and our company mentors, we acquired valuable insights crucial for shaping our design decisions.

Defining Design Constraints and User Needs

Upon completing our information gathering phase, we brainstormed various design constraints through which we crafted our problem statement. This process began with developing user personas and charting user journeys to condense the plethora of user insights into tangible depictions.

The iterative design process unveiled the fundamental needs and challenges of our users, allowing us to conceptualise potential solutions.

Exploration of Solutions

Utilizing the insights we acquired, we initiated our development journey by employing various design thinking techniques, including whiteboard ideation and c-sketching. Through a thorough evaluation process, we carefully selected the solution that best aligned with our vision.

In our journey, we adopted an iterative approach, continually refining the chosen design to incorporate enhanced functionality based on user feedback to ensure that their requirements are addressed.

User Acceptance Testing

To conduct user acceptance testing, we engaged the officers to evaluate the functionality and usability of our solution in a real-world scenario. Gathering valuable insights from their feedback, we iteratively refined our project to ensure optimal user satisfaction.

In partnership with:

sutd logo


From DB Schenker, we express our sincere appreciation to Ms. Jessica Chia, Ms. Su Shan and Ms. Yu Wenling for their constant support. During each meeting, their feedback was invaluable in the creation of Schenker Support, and they readily collaborated with us, giving us assistance in many processes. We truly appreciate the guidance they have provided throughout the entirety of the Capstone programme.

From SUTD, we would like to thank professors Lynette Cheah, Ying Xu and Mr. Patrick Tay, for their unwavering support throughout the duration of the project. Although professor Lynette Cheah is no longer at SUTD, the insightful discussions our group had with her has been instrumental in shaping our approach. Professor Ying Xu’s guidance and expertise was a crucial aid for the project. Last but not least, we are deeply grateful to Mr. Patrick Tay for his in-depth and insightful feedback on our written and verbal communication efforts.



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