Automated Generation of Multistorey Carparks (AGMC)

Team members

Yu Qin (ISTD), Lim Pei Ying (ASD), Chng Sze Han (Zhuang Zihan) (ISTD), Low Ryan (ASD), Win Tun Kyaw (ISTD), Teng Tjin Yang (ISTD)


  • Kwan Wei Lek

Writing Instructors:

  • Delfinn Tan Sweimay

Carpark design has traditionally been a tedious and manual task. With AGMC, the workflow of designing a carpark can be streamlined in 3 simple steps:

01 Upload

02 Generate

03 Select

User Journey Before / After AGMC


Software relies on local computing power and requires frequent updates

Design of carparks is manual, labour-intensive, and tedious

Lack of systematic evaluation to assess efficiency and safety of design


Web-based tool to offload local computing resources and ensure features are up-to-date

Tool automates layout generation of carparks through rule-based algorithms

Layouts generated are optimised based on design metrics

Average generation time for 

a set of 8 layout options

Median time savings from

automated generation of layouts

How AGMC Works

File Upload Page

Side Bar

Used to access the Landing, File Upload, Generation Results, and User Manual pages

Drag-and-Drop File Uploader

Upload base IFC (.ifc) file for generation

File Previewer

In-browser preview of uploaded IFC file, with options to interact (pan, rotate, and zoom) with the 3D model

01 Upload

User Parameters Page

Generation Parameters

Allows for control of generation results through adjustment of parameters to tailor to user needs (default values preloaded)

Metric Parameters

A checklist system to enable evaluation metrics according to desired user needs

Breadcrumbs Menu

Provides convenient access to previous generation steps

02 Generate

Generation Results Page

Ranked Layouts

Each layout is evaluated according to the set metrics and ranked according to their score, and is downloadable

Metric Evaluation

The metric score of each layout is presented along with a radar graph for quick and clear visualisation and assessment of data

File Previewer

In-browser preview of generated layout IFC file, with options to interact (pan, rotate, and zoom) with the 3D model

03 Select

53% of surveyed users voted Ranked Layouts as the most helpful feature

Supplementary Resources

Developer Guidebook
User Manual

Available in physical and digital formats

AGMC Video


In Collaboration With


We would like to thank Prof. Kwan Wei Lek and Dr. Delfinn Tan for their support and guidance throughout the Capstone project.
We would also like to thank our industry mentors, Mr. Jack Lee, Mr. Joshua Chia and Mr. Hariprasath Loganathan for providing us with their resources and valuable guidance to develop AGMC.



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