Proj 14 – Curatix: Crafting Museum Experiences with Real-time Interactions and Hybrid Solutions

Crafting Museum Experiences with Real-time Interactions and Hybrid Solutions

Curatix is an online platform designed to transform the exhibition planning process into an interactive, collaborative virtual experience. Developed in collaboration with the Singapore Art Museum (SAM), Curatix addresses the critical need for a dynamic space visualization tool that transcends geographical barriers and enables real-time adjustments and discussions.

Introducing Proj 14 – Curatix: Crafting Museum Experiences with Real-time Interactions and Hybrid Solutions

This capstone project collaboration with Singapore Art Museum explores innovative design solutions to improve the production managers’ work processes and elevate the aesthetic quality of SAM’s exhibition presentations. We aim to facilitate swift and efficient discussions among various stakeholders involved in the pre-fabrication stage of a museum’s contemporary art exhibition. A hybrid integration was developed, seamlessly blending physical scaled models with a digital platform. This approach offers a streamlined and convenient workflow for discussions in the exhibition-making process.

Team members

Daniel Yap Boon Seng (EPD), Alyssa Ong Pey Yi (ESD), Lim Mei Yun (ASD), Insyirah Binte Mohd Zailanni (ASD), Fu Meihui (ISTD), Sarah Wasifa Ferdousi (EPD)


  • Edwin Koh

Writing Instructors:

  • Tay Zi Dong Patrick


1. Lack of a comprehensive floor plan:

The placement of the partition walls and artworks relies on various factors, such as the positions of the existing services. As SAM lacks a comprehensive floor plan indicating the positions of the relevant existing services, they face challenges in anticipating necessary adjustments. 

2. Reliance on 3D design software:

Although a rendered 3D digital model produced by the third-party exhibition designers allows all stakeholders to view a walk through of the exhibition space, it is lacking in allowing a layman to comprehend the scale, proportions, and spatial relationships of the space.

3. Lack of relevant technical skills to create the 3D digital model of exhibition space:

SAM relies on third-party exhibition designers to create a 3D digital model of the exhibition space due to the lack of technical skill sets. In the absence of the 3D model, it would be difficult for SAM to visualise the exhibition space.

4. Lack of a detailed physical model:

A 1:100 scaled cardboard model currently used by SAM is lacking in detail, and unable to aid in communicating ideas with stakeholders who are overseas. Furthermore, it is not helpful in aiding SAM to simulate the sequence of assembly of the exhibition set up.

“How might we enable effective communication of ideas among all stakeholders involved in the exhibition planning process using an interactive space visualisation model?”

Infographic depicting the current workflow for exhibition planning at the Singapore Art Museum. Step 1: Artists submit their proposals to SAM, illustrated by a clipboard with a form. Step 2: SAM assigns exhibition zones to artists, represented by a floor plan with marked sections A, B, and C. Step 3: SAM or the exhibition designer creates the initial exhibition floor plan, shown as a simple layout. Step 4: Discussions between involved parties, depicted as a group of figures around a table. Step 5: The exhibition floor plan is finalized and sent for fabrication, indicated by a detailed floor plan on paper. Step 6: The process concludes with on-site installation and post-fabrication adjustments, visualized by a figure adjusting a wall panel with a drill.

How it works? — Online Platform

SAM sends out the proposal forms to artists via email in which they fill dimensions of artworks, relevant renderings, photographs of artworks 3D model of artworks (if any) and technical requirements & specification of artworks
SAM uploads relevant information onto digital platform to generate a 3D bounding shape representing the artworks
3D asset is generated, which will be stored locally on SAM’s computer
SAM then designates a zone to the artist
SAM will click on a zone within the floor plan, bringing them to a 3D digital model of that specified zone.
They can then drag & drop 3D bounding shapes into this zone, allowing them to have a quick understanding of the space required before designating the zones

Physical Prototype — Gallery Model

Sliding walls
Artworks- 3D printed or otherwise
SAMuel camera
Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3

Physical to Digital

When the layout is decided upon, SAM prepares the turntable setup
SAM toggles to the ‘Photogrammetry’ tab, adjusts the angle of the cameras and starts capturing images or videos,
The generation of the 3D model will be done on Polycam, where they simply upload pictures or videos that were taken to generate a 3D model.

In partnership with :


We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Singapore Art Museum (SAM) for granting us the opportunity to embark on this exciting project. We are immensely grateful for the unwavering support provided by our industry mentors, Mr Andre Wang and Ms Anisah Aidid, who patiently guided us through every step of the project, offering valuable feedback and suggestions that have played a pivotal role in refining our proposal. We would also like to thank our mentor, Prof. Edwin Koh, whose invaluable guidance, mentorship, and encouragement has constantly inspired us to pursue excellence. 


Additionally, we would like to extend our thanks to SUTD Capstone Office, SUTD FabLab, Mr Patrick Tay and Mr Jacob Chen, for providing the necessary facilities, resources, guidance, and support necessary for the successful completion of this project. We are also immensely grateful to our family members and friends in SUTD, who have been our pillar of support throughout the project. 


Lastly, we commend the dedicated efforts of every team member for their dedication, teamwork and collaboration at every stage of the project, from conceptualisation to execution. Each member’s efforts have been instrumental in achieving our collective goals.



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