
Smart Energy, Tasty Savings

NO ONE is looking out for the LIL’ GUYS.

Small and Medium Sized F&B outlets lack an impactful energy management solution. We’re here to change that.

We are an Energy-Saving-as-a-Service (ESAAS) venture, offering IoT devices that will effortlessly gather and analyse energy consumption patterns for Food & Beverage establishments. Our solution unlocks a suite of data insights, empowering businesses to optimise energy usage with precision and foresight.

Team members

Mohammed Fauzaan (CSD), Kaveri Priya Putti (CSD), Xinlin Tan (CSD), Chow Zi Jie (EPD), Sanat Khandekar (CSD), Rohit Raghuram Murarishetti (CSD), Visshal Natarajan (CSD)


  • Zehui Xiong

Writing Instructors:

  • Tay Zi Dong Patrick

Device Consumption


Our system leverages the power of Q-Learning, an AI algorithm, to ensure a comfortable haven for your patrons while keeping your energy costs under control. No more battling chills or sweltering under the vents.


Our sensors vigilantly detect faults in your system. The moment trouble arises, you’ll be notified instantly. Better yet, we’ll even send an alert to maintenance – a hands-free approach to keep your business running smoothly.


Our reinforcement learning algorithm acts like a sophisticated dimmer switch. It constantly analyzes environmental factors and comfort levels to orchestrate the perfect lighting scheme, eliminating redundant usage while prioritizing both patron ease.


We provide a real-time dashboard that monitors your appliances, offering crystal-clear insights. But we don’t stop there. Our technology detects energy anomalies and forecasts future usage, empowering you to optimize consumption and slash energy bills.

Our Solution Suite

Hardware and Software Integration

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We extend our deepest gratitude to our esteemed mentors, whose invaluable guidance has been instrumental in propelling our project towards its current success. Mr. Ong Chee Beng, our business mentor, provided expert counsel and consistent feedback. This not only kept our team motivated but also ensured we remained laser-focused on achieving our goals. Professor Zehui Xiong, our esteemed academic mentor, made profound contributions by helping us overcome the numerous technical hurdles encountered throughout the project. We also thank Mr. Tay Zi Dong Patrick, our communication mentor. His invaluable expertise ensured our ideas were consistently communicated with clarity and precision.

Finally, we are immensely indebted to SUTD, and particularly the SUTD Venture, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Office (SUTD VIE), for trusting our team and guiding us on the path to becoming successful entrepreneurs. Their belief in our potential and dedication to fostering impactful ventures have fueled our motivation and sharpened our focus.




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