Proj 05 – Changi Airport Group_Energy Recovery

Energy Recovery from Airside Operations

Team members

Shuan Ye Ru Nicole (ESD), Vikramaditya Roy (EPD), Kyrin Toh Huey Zheen (EPD), Liew Soon Hao (EPD), Feng Zhuoer (ESD)


  • Soujanya Poria

Writing Instructors:

  • Bernard Tan Chee Seng

Our Goal

Leverage two unconventional energy sources to recover ‘wasted’ energy at Changi Airport airside.
Kinetic energy from vehicles
Kinetic energy from wind


To reduce carbon emissions and contribute to green initiatives.


Piezoelectric Road Harvester

Small square units that recover energy when run over by vehicles, bouncing back every time.

Display Prototype

setup final2

Unit Prototype

Aluminum Plates
Two layers to distribute stress


Contact Time ↑    →    Overall Output ↑


Padding – Dampening
Pressure on specific points ↓

Piezo Discs
Kinetic energy    →    Electrical Energy 



Able to withstand being run over by cars


Increased power: Area under the curve prolonged by springs


730,000   x   0.000006   x   32.47   x   8332       =       Potential for up to S$11,849 saved annually
Vehicles            kWh            cents        units                                                                                                     


Jet Blast Wind Harvester

A wind turbine that can harvest energy during plane tests. Comes with a windbreak fence to protect it from high wind speeds.

Simulation Process

CFD and YZ plane

CFD Simulation without Fence

To understand wind flow around the jet blast deflector alone

Through Fence

The wind speed after the windbreak fence

With Turbulence

Creating a more realistic wind profile

turbine blades

Wind Turbine Model

To approximate energy output

Final Model

Overview of system, with a wind turbine and a windbreak fence integrated with the already existing jet blast deflector.


460   x   568   x   32.47   x   2       =       Potential for up to S$169,675 saved annually
Planes     kWh      cents    units                                                                                                         

*SP Group Q2 2024 Electricity Tariff used

In collaboration with:
View our poster here!

Special thanks to our industry mentor, Mr Richie Wong, Senior Manager,
Innovation & Process Enhancement (Engineering & Development Cluster),
Changi Airport Group



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