Proj 09 – Jeppesen_Airport Mapping

Revolutionising Airport Mapping through AI

Team members

Kim Chaewoon (ISTD), Seyong Park (ISTD), Zhang Chunjie (ISTD), Lu Mingrui (ISTD), Adharsha Sam Edwin Sam Devahi (ESD), Ng Minzheng Joel (ISTD)


  • Francisco Benita

Writing Instructors:

  • Susan Wong

Introducing Airport Mapper

Airport mapping is the process of identifying key features within an airport to create something known as an Aerodrome Mapping Database (AMDB).

AMDB is used for airport planning and design, as well as flight management systems and air traffic control.


Geospatial airport mapping data is created and maintained by hundreds of people

Airport mapping is a manually intensive process which requires analysis of aeronautical information, satellite imagery, and textual data sources.

Automating airport mapping can save time and reduce cost within the aviation industry.

What does Airport Mapper do?

Features and Functionalities

How it Works

Computer Vision Model

YOLOv8 AI model detects pixel-level boundaries of 7 high priority airport features: apron, blast pad, building, parking stand, runway, runway marking, and taxiway.

Changi2_image_labelled (2)

Data Preprocessing

Data augmentation methods such as rotation, flipping, and cropping  are used to improve model robustness, hence we increased dataset size from 520 to 1354 images.

Model Evaluation

Performance metrics such as precision, F1 score, and confusion matrix were applied to evaluate our model training results.

Our final model can detect the features with over 90% accuracy!

자산 7

GeoJSON Generator

GeoJSON generator extracts contours of the detected airport features and converts the pixel-level coordinates that make up the contours to geographical coordinates consisting of latitudes and longitudes.

These coordinates are saved in a GeoJSON file and can be used to create AMDBs.

In collaboration with:


We would like to thank the following people for their unwavering support throughout our project

Capstone mentors:
Dr. Francisco Benita
Dr. Thomas Schroepfer

Centre for Writing and Rhetoric (CWR) mentor:
Dr. Susan Wong

Industry mentors from Boeing:
Rahul Ashok
Ryan Chong

group photo



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