Why Self-guided Haptic Body Search Virtual Reality Training System?
Address Manpower & Logistics
A limited number of trainers having to conduct training sessions for an ever-increasing number of trainees
Reduce Human Subjectivity
Procedures are usually done from trainee to trainee. Different trainers might have different evaluations of the point of contact applied by the trainees
Provide Training Review
It is difficult and time-consuming for trainers to track or review mistakes done by the trainees
Our solution aims to address manpower & logistics issues, reduce human subjectivity and provide training reviews to achieve higher training productivity and better results for trainees learning the body search procedure
Comparison of our VR Training Against the Original Training Process

How we achieved this

How to use our Self-guided Haptic Body Search Virtual Reality Training System

Main Features

Our Customised Lucid VR Gloves integrated several subsystems such as ESP32 microcontroller finger tracking, finger pulling, buttons, and controllers

The Whisper AI (NLP) transcribes spoken phrases and detects keywords. We then used this to adjust the digital avatar's movements accordingly, all without requiring an internet connection

The digital avatar mimics natural human movements. The VR hands emulate the user's hand movements. This realism then enhances the immersive experience

Structured learning sessions are recorded, enabling trainees to review their mistakes on the computer for enhanced self-improvement