Proj S22 – HTX – Gimbal System for Bio-Inspired Flapping Wing Drone

Gimbal System for Flapping Wing Drone

A lightweight, compact gimbal system equipped with robust hardware and software stabilisation systems, customised for discreet crowd control.

Introducing Proj S22 – HTX – Gimbal System for Bio-Inspired Flapping Wing Drone

The Sentinel is a cutting-edge gimbal system tailored for comprehensive surveillance applications. Compatible with different drones such as quad-copters and flapping-wing drones, its lightweight and compact design enables the discreet monitoring of individuals and crowd control. Advanced stabilization algorithms ensure steady video feeds, even in turbulent weather. Equipped with object-tracking capabilities and a user-friendly interface, the Sentinel provides drone operators with real-time monitoring and tracking capabilities for a more enhanced surveillance and security operations.

Team members

Teo Wei Ting Glenda (EPD), Pyae Phyo Aung @ Elvis Kason Lin (EPD), Saakshi Vinod Saraf (CSD), Matthew Yee Zhang Yang (EPD), Yuliati (CSD), Nur Thohirah Bte Sani (CSD), Zachary Wu Xuan (EPD)


  • Zehui Xiong

Writing Instructors:

  • Susan Wong

< Quadcopter vs Flapping Wing >

Quadcopter Drone (left), Flapping Wing Drone (right)

Quadcopter drones are a common sight, but they are often noisy and conspicuous, making them less than ideal for surveillance purposes. In contrast, flapping wing drones have a bird-like appearance, which allows them to blend in more effectively and operate more discreetly, making them a more suitable choice for surveillance applications.

< Features Overview >

When used for surveillance with an on-board camera suite, flapping wing drones face the problem of video instability. A robust and lightweight camera system stabilised using both hardware and software stabilisation methods needs to be implemented to counter the impact of the drone’s vibrational characteristics.

< System Overview >

< Hardware Features >

>> Stabilisation System

The gimbal system consists of the Yaw, Pitch, and Roll axes. Vibrations in all three axes are counteracted, and with the additional Kyosho adsorption sheet, maximum counter-reaction to vibrations is achieved, resulting in optimal system stabilisation.

>> Gimbal Adapter to Drones

Our unique selling point is the plug-and-play capability of this gimbal system, allowing users to seamlessly connect it to their specific drone using the appropriate adapter. For instance, as depicted in the images, one adapter is designed for quadcopters, while the other adapter is tailored for flapping wing drones.

>> Robust Power and Connectivity

The gimbal system boasts robust power delivery and connectivity features, facilitated by a custom power delivery board and a coaxial adaptor.

ower delivery board (PCB):

  • 30W nominal power consumption
  • 4S and 3S battery system compatibility
  • Robust protection for OV/UV/OC conditions

Coaxial adapter:

  • Micro-coaxial cable assembly to our Pi camera
  • Locking cable connector usage for high-vibration environment

>> Gimbal 2.0

Given the constraints encountered regarding weight and angle rotation, a novel gimbal has been developed, resulting in a reduction in weight from 204.9g to 142.9g.

Furthermore, this revised gimbal boasts increased freedom of rotation across all three axes.

< Software Features >

The project integrates four key components to optimise drone operations. Firstly, software stabilization combines object tracking and video stabilization, freeing the operator from the task of stabilizing the video feed. Secondly, a user-friendly GUI facilitates drone control and monitoring. Thirdly, the IoT component enables communication between the Raspberry Pi (RPI) and drone components. Finally, the object tracking model enhances tracking capabilities by focusing on people. Together, these components create an efficient system for controlling, monitoring, and stabilizing drone operations.

>> IoT Component

The RPI communicates with the drone’s camera, flight controller, and Simple BGC (Brushless Gimbal Controller). It retrieves live video frames from the camera and sends them to the ground station via a wireless transceiver. Additionally, the RPI collects telemetry data from the flight controller, sending it to the ground station for monitoring purposes. Furthermore, the RPI receives target coordinates from the ground station and communicates with the Simple BGC to adjust the camera’s position accordingly. 

>> Graphical User Interface (GUI)

The GUI displays processed video frames from the object tracking and video stabilization model. Users can select subject IDs, toggle bounding boxes, and pan the drone’s camera. Additionally, the GUI provides live telemetry data from the drone, offering a comprehensive control and monitoring solution.


>> Object Tracking

The object tracking model used is a YOLOv8m object detection model with a BotSort tracking algorithm. Trained on the VisDrone, the model is specialized to detect and track only people from a UAV perspective.

>> Video Stabilisation

Video stabilization is implemented using the VidGear API and is utilized to process frames received from the drone’s live video feed. To ensure optimal performance, a trade-off is done between the number of frames stabilized and the resulting latency, striking a balance that delivers smooth video output while minimizing any delays in processing.

< Integration Demos >

< Poster >

Silent Sentinel in the sky


We would like to extend our gratitude to our Capstone mentor, Asst. Professor Zehui Xiong for providing guidance and valuable insights that propelled us through numerous iterations. We would also like to thank our writing instructor, Dr. Susan Wong for her creative suggestions and insights for our Capstone deliverables.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to our industry mentor, Mr. Joseph Wong for providing his guidance and support throughout the project. His insights and assistance were invaluable in shaping our work and ensuring its success.



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