Multi-Agent Search and Rescue Drone
Multi-Agent Search and Rescue Drone (MASNRD) is an urban semi-autonomous multi-drone search and rescue (S&R) system that uses signal detection to locate victims. MASNRD has the ability to conduct probabilistic searches guided by drone operators for a more efficient distributed reconnaissance of large disaster zones. It can also locate Wi-Fi-enabled devices (such as smartphones) on individuals trapped under the debris, providing real-time and accurate data to optimise S&R efforts.

Team members

Lee Wai Shun (CSD), Ryan Toh (CSD), Ivan Feng Jun Kai (CSD), Tran Nguyen Bao Long (CSD), Muhammad Danial Bin Adil Choo (EPD), Naurana Badalge Axel (EPD), Muhammad Qawiyyul Ameen B N H (EPD)


  • Malika Meghjani

Writing Instructors:

  • Tay Zi Dong Patrick

Introducing MASNRD

Multi-Agent Search and Rescue Drone (MASNRD) is an urban multi-drone search and rescue (S&R) system that uses WiFi-based signal detection to locate victims.

MASNRD can conduct autonomous probabilistic searches for disaster victims with inputs by drone operators, facilitating efficient distributed reconnaissance of large disaster zones. Specifically, MASNRD locates WiFi-enabled devices (such as smartphones) trapped under the debris and provides real-time and accurate data to optimise S&R efforts.

Team members

Lee Wai Shun (CSD), Ryan Toh (CSD), Ivan Feng Jun Kai (CSD), Tran Nguyen Bao Long (CSD), Muhammad Danial Bin Adil Choo (EPD), Naurana Badalge Axel (EPD), Muhammad Qawiyyul Ameen B N H (EPD)


Malika Meghjani

Writing Instructors:

Tay Zi Dong Patrick

According to the World Meteorological Organization

between 1970 and 2019

Natural Disasters
0 +
0 +
usd losses
0 b+


Search & Rescue Optimization


24/7 operational capacity
with signal detection​


Non-line-of-sight (NLOS)


Maximum efficiency
with distributed search

Our Components


Cellular 2.4GHz WiFi signal detection

Mission Control

Real-time control and feedback


Multi-agent autonomous search


Scalable testing environment

Cellular 2.4Ghz WiFi Signal Detection

Sensor Prototyping

Prototype 1:
PoC WiFi Detection Sensor

  • Detection capability within a 2-meter range
  • Missing frequency and signal strength details

Prototype 2:
Multi-directional Sensor

  • Extended detection range
  • Operates within 100 MHz spectral bandwidth
  • Missing direction details

Prototype 3:
Spectrum Analyser (TinySA)

  • Accurate frequency and amplitude analytics
  • Wall-penetrating signal detection
  • No API for interfacing

Final Prototype:
Software-Defined Radio (HackRF One)

  • Precise frequency and amplitude analysis
  • Customizable frequency channel
  • Includes a directional waveguide

Multi-Agent Autonomous Search


REal-time control and update

Mission Control Graphical User Interface

1. Hotspot selection

Input hotspots for prioritised search

2. Clustering

Cluster hotspots into manageable search area

3. Task Assignment

Assign drones to clusters

4. Cluster search

Autonomous drone search with real-time detections status

Scalable testing environment


Physical integration

Real-World Demonstration


Mr. Jonathan Tan provided instrumental industry insights and opportunities that have significantly shaped our project’s approach and understanding of its real-world application.

Assistant Professor, Dr. Malika Meghjani, offered invaluable guidance and expertise, driving our project’s success and fostering our personal and professional growth with her dedication and support.

Mr. Tay Zi Dong, Patrick, enhanced our communication skills with his passionate mentorship and meticulous feedback, significantly impacting our project’s presentation and clarity.

Dr. Kwan Wei Lek provided valuable feedback on our presentation and sensor hardware design, which helped improve our project’s quality and effectiveness.

Dr. Foong Shaohui assisted in booking the drone arena, which is essential for the real-world testing and refinement of our prototype.



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